Saturday 14 November 2015

Blog Update

Blog Update

Good Day everyone. Sorry for not posting anything on the Blog for a while.

The past two or three IT classes have been really productive, as what we are learning is making sense and it is acting as an aid towards our group project.
We have been learning about different types of Fonts, headings and styles to produce work which is in a clear design and easy to understand. We were also collaborating documents to edit and complete a group task in the class which we can use further for our project.

 I also learnt about several Laws and Regulations such as 
Ø   Access to Health Records 1990
Ø  Data Protection Act 1998
Ø  Freedom of Information Act 2000
Ø   Computer misuse Act 1990
We read some Hearings where things had gone wrong in the Health Sector and intentionally or unintentionally these rules have been broken which was scary to read yet an eye opener.

In the recent IT class we made Screen Casts. I would have never known how to make one and I not only learnt a new IT skill but also enjoyed making it. We learnt about the effectiveness of Screen Casting in terms of why and how it should be produced such as the sound quality and no background noise and what amazing benefits it had as a teaching tool i.e. it can be created and posted on YouTube where others can learn from the guide and we as a group also made a Screen Cast on how to use Google Doc and collaborate which can be useful as a learning package.
Overall I am enjoying IT and the best part is the Screen Cast production which I can’t wait to use for the group project.
Take care everyone and see you all at the group meeting.


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