Saturday 21 November 2015

Data Management

Blog Update
Hi guys, hope you all are having a lovely weekend and enjoying the snow, winter has come early this year.
This week in the IT class we learned about Data Management in terms of how important it is not only to store data but how the storage devices have changed over the past years as we had a look at some of the hard disks/storage devices in class.

The lecture was very informative as we were told how to store our own personal data i.e. in our phones, laptops and I pads. We also found out that how much data we own overall which was a lot!
 The storing of data and its safety will be useful in the professional setup where keeping patients information will be our responsibility. We learnt about different types of software such as icloud for apple as a  protection tool and Firewall protection for the laptops which will enable us to keep our own data safe and secure as data may be anything such as pictures, assignments which we don’t want to be stolen.
With regards to backup strategies and limiting data we use on our personal devices, we did a group task in which we had to blog about our own data storage and what must we do to keep this protected, in case a situation arises i.e. when we are outside due too many wifi being open, we accept an unknown wifi and this may turn out to be a hacking strategy so we must not use such wifi and be more cautious. We carried out a class task too further listing files such as pdf and how safe they are in terms of security.

Sorry for a short blog, see you all on the Thursday meeting.

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