Tuesday 10 November 2015

Remember, remember the 5th November...

Hope you all enjoyed a Bonfire somewhere...

So Bonfire day brought along the next IT lesson...I thought it was a very informative lecture covering the legalities and guidelines for data usage.  It was nice to cover some content that we will be able to use in our assignment and it gave an idea of what kind of material would have to be included.

I have never heard of Socrative before and I thought it was a really effective way to see people's answers/views/opinions without it turning into an Irish Parliament!  Does anyone know if we can access this to create our on questionnaires or it is just for scholar use?

I think we have quite a good idea for our Screencast for the assignment but not sure if it needs to be fine tuned with regards to accessibility...did you guys hear what Tim was saying about the colour contrast?  I can update you at our meeting anyway if not.  Tamsin and I both liked the styling of the video that Tim showed us - the one with the people holding the one word signs, maybe that could be incorporated?  Not the man pretending to be an NHS worker!!!

Although any budding Am Dram peeps by all means show yourself and volunteer!!!  

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