Friday 20 November 2015

Data, managed

So yesterday we had a very informative lecture about data storage, management and back ups.  It did highlight that the rate of development and advancements is speeding up.  I felt that this was especially obvious to myself being older than some of my fellow students as there were certain pieces of hardware that they had never seen!

Stephanie Morrison, IT class 19th Nov 2015.
Classmates, IT class 19th Nov 2015
I think in some ways ignorance is bliss with regards to personally owned data, but obviously not acceptable when working as health care professionals!!!

Unfortunately I think people only become aware of backing up their own work after being in a situation where work has been lost or corrupt.  For this reason I back up my own regularly for fear of losing it.

As we now live in the age of "clouds" I think people assume everything is automatically backed up for them.  As to how secure it is, well, your guess is as good as mine!!!  Data protection and confidentiality is obviously a massive issue in today's working environment, not only health care.  As the rate of change is bound to keep accelerating at a great rate of noughts who knows what things will be different when we get into the working world...or what we will be carrying in our bags or pockets by that point.

Thought for the day...

Did the "Back To The Future" films Predict anything correctly?!

Have a great weekend guys!

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