Sunday 15 November 2015

Latest Update...

Hi Everyone,

Hope you have had an enjoyable weekend, even if the weather hasn't been so enjoyable!

So I was unaware that we had a timeline to complete - I don't know how I missed that but I did.  So, have started trying to work away at that.  It seems like quite a bit of work involved but hopefully it can be utilised for our ever impending assignment.

"Scottish Noise"
This weeks lesson started with some clarification on said assignment which I thought was relevant and hopefully has given us all a good insight and confirmation into what is required.  We then went on to learn about Screencasts.  This is something I have never covered before and honestly thought it was out with my IT skills!  It seemed a fairly simple task to complete - I definitely think for future reference we need a clear cut plan and idea before approaching recording and I figure that is my turn done with being the "chosen voice" ;).  One thing that stood out for me was how we were given a relatively simple topic to cover but the time passed so quickly...before we knew it the half hour was gone and we needed to upload.  I think this is a point to be aware of for future.

See you guys around :)

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