Monday 26 October 2015

The next instalment of IT lecture...

So...another week passed which meant it was IT time again.  I had some positive anticipation for this class, hoping that it was going to enlighten us further following on from last week's session.  Last week most people were introduced to something new.

I think this demonstrates what I have insert pictures using URL's!!!

Upon arrival we were in fact given details about our ever approaching group task.  It seemed like a massive weight dropped when we were told exactly what this was going to entail.  It does seem like an enormous amount of work to research and co-ordinate...

The lecture continued to explain common errors/problems/issues with certain formatting of documents, presentations, websites etc. to consider when using the various mediums for our group task.  These were perhaps traits that people were sub-conscientiously aware of as we have all sat in THAT presentation where it was either death by PowerPoint or an absolute headache inducing busy, flashing screen.  I did find it frustrating to find out that there is no continuity across the university with regards to word documents, typing styles, fonts, spacing etc it does come down to lecturers personal preference.  I think if there was an accepted "standard form" this would massively help in assessment preparation and hopefully prevent students from losing, perhaps vital, marks for the sake of essentially a matter of opinion.  I totally appreciate that there would be deviations from this in the form of certain scientific report formats or technical specific documents.  However, for a basic typed word document it could provide a small form of confidence for the writer.  This is perhaps just a reflection of my own lack in confidence in written assignments but I think it could prove useful.

Well...until next to revise biology!

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