Tuesday 20 October 2015

Tele-Health & BoB

    We had a good session last week in our Information for Health lecture.  Tim took us through some examples of how technology is bringing about huge advances in healthcare, changes to clinical practice and radically different ways in which clinical pathways are delivered.

One particular advance which really blew my hair back was remote surgery, where surgeons with very specialist skills might be situated miles away from where the operation is actually taking place, undertaking the operation via robot technologies.  I've heard of similar examples in other areas of medicine, such as tele-radiology and tele-dermatology, where interpretation of imaging is being undertaken remotely.  This is very useful for small and remote hospitals who may not have access to diagnostics or in areas where radiologists and dermatologists are hard to recruit.  The way this governments is going, I might be working in Australia and interpreting images sent over from Blighty in the future!?

 Tele-radiology and Remote Interpretation

Another interesting aspect of last week's lecture was learning that we have to BoB national.  BoB stands for Box of Broadcasts and enables all staff and students in subscribing institutions to choose and record any broadcast programme from 60+ TV and radio channels.  Its for educational purposes primarily, but I'm sure I'll be using this to catch up with some of my favourite T.V. programmes in the future.

Much more was covered in the lecture and I look forward to telling you more about it in my next blog, unfortunately I need to speak to the Mrs using Google Hangout, another cool feature Tim showed us.  'Til next time folks.

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