Friday 16 October 2015

What did I learn yesterday...

So, yesterday in the IT lesson I learned about Google hangout which I have never heard before.  I thought it was a really good service available for say how Tim uses it.  I imagine that being asked the same question A LOT could get tiresome so something like this saves time, repetition and someone sanity!  At this point in time I can't see how a situation that I would use it in, I also don't feel comfortable at the thought of video recording myself.

We were also told about Bob National which I think is a fantastic thing.  No doubt people will use it not solely for "education purposes" but I can see how this could be be really helpful.  Especially if people learn and respond well to that kind of medium.  I have just been told recently about a programme called Marvellous...Bob seems to be the only place that still has it.

We then went on to look at Google Drive (GD) which I have used a very small amount in the past but to very basic means.  Yesterday demonstrated one of the benefits of GD and I appreciate the technology that it uses.  Plus, sometimes it is better to interact and share info this way rather than face to face with someone.  However, upon leaving the lesson my partner for a some work in another class messaged me to say "We should use GD" .  I had already constructed a handout in Word and when I tried to export this into GD the formatting didn't cross over - I find this SO frustrating with GD and when I use it in the past this was a real bug bear because certain forms we were using for work purposes had to be in a certain format.  I felt it then increased work and duplication of work as you had to upload and download and change and reformat and edit so often to try and get something that resembles what you need!!!  In this instance the format wasn't essentially so it could be easily edited.  However, the document had images in it which I got from Google Images...these weren't available in GD.  There is a search facility when inserting an image on GD but this wasn't pulling up the same images as Google Image - it seemed bonkers to me.

I must admit I can be quite ignorant to technological advancements as I am not brilliant with using computers and gizets.  I appreciate how clever the devices are and things that can now be done but if I think I probably don't NEED it in my life I won't tend to look into it.  I am very much "the easiest way is they way you know how" so IT should be good to force some of these things upon me.


  1. This is a great, and honest, post. Well done on being first. Yes transferring documents between different document editors can be a real pain. Where possible it's best to stay in the one editor for a document - you just have to look at the trade off between the functions each editor has.
    If you find an image you wish to use (and have the rights to use) then you can always right click on it and copy the image URL then use that on the insert image function in Google Docs. Let me know if you'd like me to show you.

    1. Thanks for the tip with inserting images in the future on Google Docs.
