Wednesday 21 October 2015

Interesting I.T class

Well, I've made the mistake our teacher Tim told us not too, which was leaving this blog till last minute because now I can't really remember every detail of what we did so i'll try my best.

I was a bit apprehensive about the class because I.T isn't exactly my favorite subject. However I actually found it quite interesting, learning new things and ways to communicate especially through google drive. I think this is something i'm going have to get used to using so i'll be able to use it for other modules. I thought it was great that more than one person can edit the document at the same time and it even showed you who was doing what. It's useful that you can chat on there but for some reason I couldn't get mine working. :( I'm hoping to have the hang of it soon. 

I was amazed when Tim showed us how I.T is expanding through the medical industry, as surgeons can operate via the computer and robot systems etc... wow! What next? I think i'd quite like to learn more about this.

Now onto bob national. This is such a great idea! It contains loads of different television channels that you can catch up on and record. So this will really be useful if we needed to catch up on any documentaries for education purposes of course and also for students to use if they haven't got a T.V or T.V license. 

Google hangout was something else we learnt about, it's great for pupils to ask questions through via a video conference and for the staff to be able to respond as though you're there with them, it just makes like easier. Although I would just prefer to email or ask in the class, but that's just me. I know a lot of companies use video conferencing to communicate to other companies all over the world so it's such an effective and useful piece of technology. I normally use Skype to catch up with my family on birthdays and Christmas so i suppose google hangout would be just as effective, if not better. 

I actually really enjoyed our class last Thursday and I hope this weeks class will be just as interesting and fun. I'm expecting to learn some more and definitely  won't leave posting on my blog until Wednesday evening. Whoopsie. Haha!

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