Tuesday 20 October 2015


Good day everyone,
                                   The I.T class on Thursday was very interesting indeed and informative as we did learn some amazing features of the Technology. Everything we learnt was very useful, I found certain areas to be fascinating and I did feel like an Alien at some point, as I have never seen few things before. It was a great opportunity to find out what is around us in terms of technology and various methods of communications. It is amazing how technology is not limited to connecting with family/friends, Business conferences but also has reached Health Field where surgery can be performed from a distance. The technology should be appreciated as it has given somewhat comforts in our life and we do not have to travel from one place to another for communication purposes.
As part of the Lecture, we learnt about BoB National. I have to start with this as living in Halls means I miss watching television and what can be better if I have found programmes in one place which can of course help with education purposes too such as science related documentaries.
We gained knowledge on how to use Google Hangout which I thought was an excellent method of communication in terms of Professional use. Google Drive is magical as all files are stored in one place without having to carry any memory stick around and files are easily transferred. We also learnt to share screens (which scared me at first but then I thought it is so much useful for group studying). It also allowed us to collaborate and share slides and we even had a chat through the system hence “Google” overtook and the best thing I enjoyed and shocked everyone as I told them about the Google Classroom feature as who can think of class registration being taken through a screen, I found it such an efficient method.

It would have been hard to find these features on Google as an individual, and I now feel I am very much enjoying the I.T classes and look forward to learn some more mystery of technology.

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