Wednesday 21 October 2015



  On Thursday 15th in my I.T lesson I was introduced to new technological advances that will prove very useful throughout the course my uni life and beyond. 

 Tim showed us the uses of technology in the forms of Google hangout where videos can be uploaded for a specific audience related to previously asked questions to avoid repetition of the answers for multiple individuals. I believe that this is a great way to get a message to a large and diverse audience that all want the answer to the same question, it will also be helpful in the sense that the individual can watch the video over multiple times until they grasp the concept, for example if someone wanted Google Drive explaining to them as the didn't understand how to access certain areas a video can be uploaded explaining how to do this and then when the next person comes along with the same question they can be pointed in the direction of the video. 

 Speaking of Google Drive in my lesson I was also enlightened into the world of Google Drive which I was previously aware of but never understood just how helpful it could be. For example, using Google Docs to work with a group on the same document at the same time. I think that this is perhaps one of the most useful things I learnt on Thursday as it solves the problem that I have found myself in numerous times when working on class projects in a group. This is the problem of each person having a different versions of the same  document and emailing them back and forth only to end up with 6 files that you have to then collate into one. Google Docs allows you to work simultaneously on one document by sharing the doc between your group. I also think that the chat forum that pops up in the bottom right corner is very useful to brainstorm ideas in the group without everyone talking at the same time and therefore avoiding the chaos that can be associated with group discussions. 

   The next topic I found to be by far the most fascinating in the I.T class, this is the concept of a neurosurgeon being able to operate on a patient from the other side of the world by using a robotic arm. This will not only save time (having to fly across the world, get over the jet lag and then perform the operation), money (paying for the surgeons travel expenses and fees) but will also enable the surgeon to operate on other patients in their area in the time that it would have taken them to travel to the patient and then back. 
   I find the advances in technology in healthcare very interesting and think that it is so amazing that a  surgeon is able to conduct not only the procedure but also able to understand the force and technique required to control the robotic arm to perform the correct depth of incisions.

   Another very useful website I was introduced to was which I rushed home to tell my flatmates about and I can honestly say will become a flat favourite. Bob National is a website that allows you to access TV shows, movies and documentaries that have been aired on TV going back the last few years. Keele University have intended it to be used for educational purposes to accompany your studies however, I highly doubt that this will be the case.

 Well that wraps up a very informative I.T lesson. :)

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