Thursday 3 December 2015

A list of all of the health conditions/issues or fitness training areas that are covered in the app store

Calorie Counter

  • raises awareness of calories in taken
  • may not define what type of calories are being in taken i.e. broken down into macros and micros


  • doesn't take into account variables that occur person to person therefore could question accuracy

Ab Trainer
  • Encourages exercise
  • provide useful information and extend current knowledge

  • may not be appropriate exercise for the user
Daily Workout

Saturday 21 November 2015

Data Management

Blog Update
Hi guys, hope you all are having a lovely weekend and enjoying the snow, winter has come early this year.
This week in the IT class we learned about Data Management in terms of how important it is not only to store data but how the storage devices have changed over the past years as we had a look at some of the hard disks/storage devices in class.

The lecture was very informative as we were told how to store our own personal data i.e. in our phones, laptops and I pads. We also found out that how much data we own overall which was a lot!
 The storing of data and its safety will be useful in the professional setup where keeping patients information will be our responsibility. We learnt about different types of software such as icloud for apple as a  protection tool and Firewall protection for the laptops which will enable us to keep our own data safe and secure as data may be anything such as pictures, assignments which we don’t want to be stolen.
With regards to backup strategies and limiting data we use on our personal devices, we did a group task in which we had to blog about our own data storage and what must we do to keep this protected, in case a situation arises i.e. when we are outside due too many wifi being open, we accept an unknown wifi and this may turn out to be a hacking strategy so we must not use such wifi and be more cautious. We carried out a class task too further listing files such as pdf and how safe they are in terms of security.

Sorry for a short blog, see you all on the Thursday meeting.

Friday 20 November 2015

Data, managed

So yesterday we had a very informative lecture about data storage, management and back ups.  It did highlight that the rate of development and advancements is speeding up.  I felt that this was especially obvious to myself being older than some of my fellow students as there were certain pieces of hardware that they had never seen!

Stephanie Morrison, IT class 19th Nov 2015.
Classmates, IT class 19th Nov 2015
I think in some ways ignorance is bliss with regards to personally owned data, but obviously not acceptable when working as health care professionals!!!

Unfortunately I think people only become aware of backing up their own work after being in a situation where work has been lost or corrupt.  For this reason I back up my own regularly for fear of losing it.

As we now live in the age of "clouds" I think people assume everything is automatically backed up for them.  As to how secure it is, well, your guess is as good as mine!!!  Data protection and confidentiality is obviously a massive issue in today's working environment, not only health care.  As the rate of change is bound to keep accelerating at a great rate of noughts who knows what things will be different when we get into the working world...or what we will be carrying in our bags or pockets by that point.

Thought for the day...

Did the "Back To The Future" films Predict anything correctly?!

Have a great weekend guys!

Thursday 19 November 2015

Activity 1: Data storage



. Laptops
. Phones
. Ipods
. Ipads/Tablets
. External Hard drive
. USB Stick
. Memory card


4 GB laptop
16-32 GB phone
Ipads/tablets 16-32 GB
Ipod 8 GB
External hard drive 64 GB,1 TB
USB stick 500 MB, 2GB
Memory card 2 GB


Apple users have iCloud as a backup option. Data can also be backed up on external drive such as USB, Memory Stick and  Hard drives and internal drives such as Google Drive and Dropbox.


Individual passwords on user accounts and do not use open wifi when accessing personal data.
Put passwords on the Broadband.
Use firewall and antivirus software to protect data.
Don't use free or open networks.

Monday 16 November 2015


Hi guys,

Hope you're all good.  I am trying to work through the timeline task so that we have some info to work with at tomorrows meeting - must admit I have hit a bit of a wall with a couple remaining still to look at.  I wanted to share what I had done as hopefully it is of some use for our meeting tomorrow!  Any: criticisms; corrections; further info; tips and help are gratefully received!

See you all tomorrow :)

1984 Data Protection Act
“An act to regulate the use of automatically processed information relating to individuals and the provision of services in respect of such information” (, unknown). 
This act was revised in 1998 that resulted in the NHS having to provide their patients with information held about them.

1985 Local Government (Access to Information) Act

“An act to provide greater public access to local authority meetings, reports and documents subject to specified confidentiality provisions; to give local authorities duties to publish certain information and for related purposes” (, unknown).

Within the NHS this should be known so that appropriate notes can be taken and then written so that the information is accessible when or requested.  Before this law access didn’t have to be given to the public.

1987 Access to Personal Files Act

“An Act to provide access for individuals to information relating to themselves maintained by certain authorities and to allow individuals to obtain copies of, and require amendment of, such information” (, unknown).

This has resulted an NHS patients being able to request files that contain information about themselves and if necessary having someone explain the meaning to them.  Previously this content would not have been made available.  If information was contained regarding another party this would have to be removed or blanked out.

1988 Access to Medical Records Act
“An Act to establish a right of access by individuals to reports relating to themselves provided by medical practitioners for employment or insurance purposes and to make provision for related matters” (, unknown).
If your patient was looking to take out insurance, or a new employment appointment, then a third party company may request a copy of records.  Consent from the patient should be given in order to disclose the information.  Previously this content would not have been made available.

1988 Environment and Safety Information Act
“An Act to establish public registers of certain notices served concerning health, safety and environmental protection; and for related purposes” (, unknown).

This act resulted in all NHS workers taking responsibility to prevent injury and accidents.  An on-site and of-site emergency plan should be in place and this information should be given to visitors, without them having to request it.  These plans should undergo reviews and testing.  We should be conscientious of these actions and relaying information when meeting with patients.

1988 Land Registration Act
“An Act to amend section 112 of the Land Registration Act 1925, and for connected purposes” (, unknown).

The original 1925 act is described as:
“An Act to consolidate the Land Transfer Acts and the statute law relating to registered land” (, unknown).

As NHS staff we would have to be aware of these types of requests and direct them to the relevant person.

1989 Official Secrets Act
“An Act to replace section 2 of the Official Secrets Act 1911 by provisions protecting more limited classes of official information.” (, unknown).

This law essentially means that anyone who comes across information that could be seen to be useful by enemies of the state must not pass this information on.  As an NHS worker you could directly treat a VIP as a patient and therefore have knowledge of weakness of an important figure that could not be disclosed.  You may also acquire information that relates to specific vaccination stocks or a lack in treatment or research for a specific area.  This information could not be passed onto any third party for threat of chemical weapons.  Although staff would always be covered by patient confidentiality they may want to talk about a specifically “special” patient and would not realise perhaps where this information could go.

1990 Access to Health Records Act
“An Act to establish a right of access to health records by the individuals to whom they relate and other persons; to provide for the correction of inaccurate health records and for the avoidance of certain contractual obligations; and for the connected purposes.” (Smale, 2015).

This act has become a bit out dated with the revision of the Data Protection Act, but it did allow people access to their medical records.  Before this law NHS could have disregarded a request for medical records.

1990 Environment Protection Act
The general message of this law was:
“An Act to make provision for the improved control of pollution arising from certain industrial and other processes…to amend the Radioactive Substances Act 1960… to amend the provisions of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 as regards the dumping of waste at sea” (, unknown).

Before this law passed an NHS worker may not have been so aware that waste would have to be disposed of in a certain conscientious manner.  This law would not only protect the environment but also protect the general public from potential hazardous waste that could make them very unwell.  This is probably demonstrated by the appearance of yellow sharps bins.

1992 Environmental Information Regulations Act
This act allows any person to request information regarding any environmental matter.  The request must be replied to as soon as possible and no longer than two months should elapse before a reply is provided.  Refusals can be given, but must be justified.  Reasonable charges can be put against the request.

“An access to environmental information regime has been in place since1992, in the form of the Environmental Information Regulations 1992,as amended by the Environmental Information (Amendment) Regulations 1998, and also the Environmental Information Regulations(Northern Ireland) 1993 and 1998. The introduction of replacement Regulations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (and of similar regulations in Scotland) enables compliance with the UK’s commitments under the UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making, and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (the “Aarhus” Convention), and with EU Directive 2003/4/EC.” (ICO, unknown).
Increased access to environmental information provides the public with information to discuss, have an educated contribution to public environmental issues and decision making.  This supports the governments’ openness in the public sector (ICO, unknown). 

1994 Open Government Code of Practice
This law details that Ministers and Public Servants must justify policies, decisions made and actions taken to the public.  It is to encourage a more open system so that information can be accessed by the public and analysed (Gov UK, unknown).

This law would be aimed at making things more transparent for the public and also has the consequence that if the public can access information then the people responsible must be able to justify their actions.  Within the NHS this would make people more accountable for actions taken and allows people to query why certain actions were taken.  In the past points for debate or query may have gone unnoticed.  It would encourage staff to have to be more conscientious and take ownership of things they have done.

1995 Code of Practice on Openness in the NHS
This law was introduced setting out basic principles underlying public access to NHS information.  This information includes: services provided; the cost of these services, and performance against targets.  Information is also given on any proposed changes and opportunity given to influence decisions regarding these changes (Bynoe, 1996).

This law would result in NHS staff having to reply to requests in a timely and positive manner.  They would have to let the public know what information they are able to access so the public can make an informed decision as to whether they would like to view any information.  The staff would therefore need to know where to direct these queries and requests.  Also there would have to be a clear and effective complaints procedure that is clearly advertised.  Resulting in someone having to be tasked with monitoring this and dealing with effectively (Bynoe, 1996).

1998 Public Interest Disclosure Act
2000 Local Government Act
2000 Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to information) (England) Regulations


Bynoe, I. (1996). Beyond the Citizen's Charter: New Directions for Social Rights. London: Institute for Public Policy Research.
Gov UK. (unknown, unknown unknown). Retrieved 11 16, 2015, from
ICO. (unknown, unknown unknown). Retrieved 11 16, 2015, from ICO:
Smale, T. (2015, 11 12). IT for Health Professionals. Course Material . Keele, Staffordshire, England: Unknown. (unknown, unknown unknown). Retrieved 11 15, 2015, from

Sunday 15 November 2015

Latest Update...

Hi Everyone,

Hope you have had an enjoyable weekend, even if the weather hasn't been so enjoyable!

So I was unaware that we had a timeline to complete - I don't know how I missed that but I did.  So, have started trying to work away at that.  It seems like quite a bit of work involved but hopefully it can be utilised for our ever impending assignment.

"Scottish Noise"
This weeks lesson started with some clarification on said assignment which I thought was relevant and hopefully has given us all a good insight and confirmation into what is required.  We then went on to learn about Screencasts.  This is something I have never covered before and honestly thought it was out with my IT skills!  It seemed a fairly simple task to complete - I definitely think for future reference we need a clear cut plan and idea before approaching recording and I figure that is my turn done with being the "chosen voice" ;).  One thing that stood out for me was how we were given a relatively simple topic to cover but the time passed so quickly...before we knew it the half hour was gone and we needed to upload.  I think this is a point to be aware of for future.

See you guys around :)

Saturday 14 November 2015

Blog Update

Blog Update

Good Day everyone. Sorry for not posting anything on the Blog for a while.

The past two or three IT classes have been really productive, as what we are learning is making sense and it is acting as an aid towards our group project.
We have been learning about different types of Fonts, headings and styles to produce work which is in a clear design and easy to understand. We were also collaborating documents to edit and complete a group task in the class which we can use further for our project.

 I also learnt about several Laws and Regulations such as 
Ø   Access to Health Records 1990
Ø  Data Protection Act 1998
Ø  Freedom of Information Act 2000
Ø   Computer misuse Act 1990
We read some Hearings where things had gone wrong in the Health Sector and intentionally or unintentionally these rules have been broken which was scary to read yet an eye opener.

In the recent IT class we made Screen Casts. I would have never known how to make one and I not only learnt a new IT skill but also enjoyed making it. We learnt about the effectiveness of Screen Casting in terms of why and how it should be produced such as the sound quality and no background noise and what amazing benefits it had as a teaching tool i.e. it can be created and posted on YouTube where others can learn from the guide and we as a group also made a Screen Cast on how to use Google Doc and collaborate which can be useful as a learning package.
Overall I am enjoying IT and the best part is the Screen Cast production which I can’t wait to use for the group project.
Take care everyone and see you all at the group meeting.


Tuesday 10 November 2015

Remember, remember the 5th November...

Hope you all enjoyed a Bonfire somewhere...

So Bonfire day brought along the next IT lesson...I thought it was a very informative lecture covering the legalities and guidelines for data usage.  It was nice to cover some content that we will be able to use in our assignment and it gave an idea of what kind of material would have to be included.

I have never heard of Socrative before and I thought it was a really effective way to see people's answers/views/opinions without it turning into an Irish Parliament!  Does anyone know if we can access this to create our on questionnaires or it is just for scholar use?

I think we have quite a good idea for our Screencast for the assignment but not sure if it needs to be fine tuned with regards to accessibility...did you guys hear what Tim was saying about the colour contrast?  I can update you at our meeting anyway if not.  Tamsin and I both liked the styling of the video that Tim showed us - the one with the people holding the one word signs, maybe that could be incorporated?  Not the man pretending to be an NHS worker!!!

Although any budding Am Dram peeps by all means show yourself and volunteer!!!  

Monday 26 October 2015

The next instalment of IT lecture...

So...another week passed which meant it was IT time again.  I had some positive anticipation for this class, hoping that it was going to enlighten us further following on from last week's session.  Last week most people were introduced to something new.

I think this demonstrates what I have insert pictures using URL's!!!

Upon arrival we were in fact given details about our ever approaching group task.  It seemed like a massive weight dropped when we were told exactly what this was going to entail.  It does seem like an enormous amount of work to research and co-ordinate...

The lecture continued to explain common errors/problems/issues with certain formatting of documents, presentations, websites etc. to consider when using the various mediums for our group task.  These were perhaps traits that people were sub-conscientiously aware of as we have all sat in THAT presentation where it was either death by PowerPoint or an absolute headache inducing busy, flashing screen.  I did find it frustrating to find out that there is no continuity across the university with regards to word documents, typing styles, fonts, spacing etc it does come down to lecturers personal preference.  I think if there was an accepted "standard form" this would massively help in assessment preparation and hopefully prevent students from losing, perhaps vital, marks for the sake of essentially a matter of opinion.  I totally appreciate that there would be deviations from this in the form of certain scientific report formats or technical specific documents.  However, for a basic typed word document it could provide a small form of confidence for the writer.  This is perhaps just a reflection of my own lack in confidence in written assignments but I think it could prove useful.

Well...until next to revise biology!

Wednesday 21 October 2015



  On Thursday 15th in my I.T lesson I was introduced to new technological advances that will prove very useful throughout the course my uni life and beyond. 

 Tim showed us the uses of technology in the forms of Google hangout where videos can be uploaded for a specific audience related to previously asked questions to avoid repetition of the answers for multiple individuals. I believe that this is a great way to get a message to a large and diverse audience that all want the answer to the same question, it will also be helpful in the sense that the individual can watch the video over multiple times until they grasp the concept, for example if someone wanted Google Drive explaining to them as the didn't understand how to access certain areas a video can be uploaded explaining how to do this and then when the next person comes along with the same question they can be pointed in the direction of the video. 

 Speaking of Google Drive in my lesson I was also enlightened into the world of Google Drive which I was previously aware of but never understood just how helpful it could be. For example, using Google Docs to work with a group on the same document at the same time. I think that this is perhaps one of the most useful things I learnt on Thursday as it solves the problem that I have found myself in numerous times when working on class projects in a group. This is the problem of each person having a different versions of the same  document and emailing them back and forth only to end up with 6 files that you have to then collate into one. Google Docs allows you to work simultaneously on one document by sharing the doc between your group. I also think that the chat forum that pops up in the bottom right corner is very useful to brainstorm ideas in the group without everyone talking at the same time and therefore avoiding the chaos that can be associated with group discussions. 

   The next topic I found to be by far the most fascinating in the I.T class, this is the concept of a neurosurgeon being able to operate on a patient from the other side of the world by using a robotic arm. This will not only save time (having to fly across the world, get over the jet lag and then perform the operation), money (paying for the surgeons travel expenses and fees) but will also enable the surgeon to operate on other patients in their area in the time that it would have taken them to travel to the patient and then back. 
   I find the advances in technology in healthcare very interesting and think that it is so amazing that a  surgeon is able to conduct not only the procedure but also able to understand the force and technique required to control the robotic arm to perform the correct depth of incisions.

   Another very useful website I was introduced to was which I rushed home to tell my flatmates about and I can honestly say will become a flat favourite. Bob National is a website that allows you to access TV shows, movies and documentaries that have been aired on TV going back the last few years. Keele University have intended it to be used for educational purposes to accompany your studies however, I highly doubt that this will be the case.

 Well that wraps up a very informative I.T lesson. :)

Interesting I.T class

Well, I've made the mistake our teacher Tim told us not too, which was leaving this blog till last minute because now I can't really remember every detail of what we did so i'll try my best.

I was a bit apprehensive about the class because I.T isn't exactly my favorite subject. However I actually found it quite interesting, learning new things and ways to communicate especially through google drive. I think this is something i'm going have to get used to using so i'll be able to use it for other modules. I thought it was great that more than one person can edit the document at the same time and it even showed you who was doing what. It's useful that you can chat on there but for some reason I couldn't get mine working. :( I'm hoping to have the hang of it soon. 

I was amazed when Tim showed us how I.T is expanding through the medical industry, as surgeons can operate via the computer and robot systems etc... wow! What next? I think i'd quite like to learn more about this.

Now onto bob national. This is such a great idea! It contains loads of different television channels that you can catch up on and record. So this will really be useful if we needed to catch up on any documentaries for education purposes of course and also for students to use if they haven't got a T.V or T.V license. 

Google hangout was something else we learnt about, it's great for pupils to ask questions through via a video conference and for the staff to be able to respond as though you're there with them, it just makes like easier. Although I would just prefer to email or ask in the class, but that's just me. I know a lot of companies use video conferencing to communicate to other companies all over the world so it's such an effective and useful piece of technology. I normally use Skype to catch up with my family on birthdays and Christmas so i suppose google hangout would be just as effective, if not better. 

I actually really enjoyed our class last Thursday and I hope this weeks class will be just as interesting and fun. I'm expecting to learn some more and definitely  won't leave posting on my blog until Wednesday evening. Whoopsie. Haha!

IT Lesson!

Before our IT session on Thursday I would never have known about Google Drive or thought to use a service like Google Hangout.  The only reason I ever sign in to Google is to check my old and very rarely used Gmail account so it was surprising and refreshing to discover the many features we explored.

As part of my Chemistry module I have been introduced to the concept of screencasts and have found them very useful as a learning tool.  I would have no idea how to create one though and was therefore interested to learn that they can be made easily using Google Hangout. This is a skill I’d be keen to practice in the future for any teaching I was doing.

Google Drive was a completely new concept for me; I was unaware that we could use it to share and collaborate effectively on group projects. The section of the class where we all worked separately on the same document was not something I had ever done before, and I was expecting it to be confusing and overly complicated. I was wrong. The group was able to complete the task quickly and efficiently while cutting out the unnecessary admin involved in coordinating separate documents. I found the visual experience motivating; watching our project develop as people contributed was a satisfying way to work.  The chat function was also a revelation and allowed us to communicate via yet another medium!
One focus of the class was the variety of technological options now available, from communication to healthcare (remote robot surgery anyone?) The ‘Death of Distance’ is widely perceived to be a revolution in communication technology and a powerful economic force. There is no such thing as unreachable or remote when it comes to modern technology. We certainly don't need to travel any more in order to impart information. Whilst this is undoubtedly a useful and inspiring trend, I wonder if something might be lost in translation – can we rely too much on the convenience of technology and does this inhibit ‘real’ communication between human beings? Answers on a postcard.

As a technophobe I can see that the IT class will help me to embrace new ways of creating and collaborating with others. Now I’m off to catch up on some Bob National…there’s a sentence I never thought I’d say!

Tuesday 20 October 2015


Good day everyone,
                                   The I.T class on Thursday was very interesting indeed and informative as we did learn some amazing features of the Technology. Everything we learnt was very useful, I found certain areas to be fascinating and I did feel like an Alien at some point, as I have never seen few things before. It was a great opportunity to find out what is around us in terms of technology and various methods of communications. It is amazing how technology is not limited to connecting with family/friends, Business conferences but also has reached Health Field where surgery can be performed from a distance. The technology should be appreciated as it has given somewhat comforts in our life and we do not have to travel from one place to another for communication purposes.
As part of the Lecture, we learnt about BoB National. I have to start with this as living in Halls means I miss watching television and what can be better if I have found programmes in one place which can of course help with education purposes too such as science related documentaries.
We gained knowledge on how to use Google Hangout which I thought was an excellent method of communication in terms of Professional use. Google Drive is magical as all files are stored in one place without having to carry any memory stick around and files are easily transferred. We also learnt to share screens (which scared me at first but then I thought it is so much useful for group studying). It also allowed us to collaborate and share slides and we even had a chat through the system hence “Google” overtook and the best thing I enjoyed and shocked everyone as I told them about the Google Classroom feature as who can think of class registration being taken through a screen, I found it such an efficient method.

It would have been hard to find these features on Google as an individual, and I now feel I am very much enjoying the I.T classes and look forward to learn some more mystery of technology.

Tele-Health & BoB

    We had a good session last week in our Information for Health lecture.  Tim took us through some examples of how technology is bringing about huge advances in healthcare, changes to clinical practice and radically different ways in which clinical pathways are delivered.

One particular advance which really blew my hair back was remote surgery, where surgeons with very specialist skills might be situated miles away from where the operation is actually taking place, undertaking the operation via robot technologies.  I've heard of similar examples in other areas of medicine, such as tele-radiology and tele-dermatology, where interpretation of imaging is being undertaken remotely.  This is very useful for small and remote hospitals who may not have access to diagnostics or in areas where radiologists and dermatologists are hard to recruit.  The way this governments is going, I might be working in Australia and interpreting images sent over from Blighty in the future!?

 Tele-radiology and Remote Interpretation

Another interesting aspect of last week's lecture was learning that we have to BoB national.  BoB stands for Box of Broadcasts and enables all staff and students in subscribing institutions to choose and record any broadcast programme from 60+ TV and radio channels.  Its for educational purposes primarily, but I'm sure I'll be using this to catch up with some of my favourite T.V. programmes in the future.

Much more was covered in the lecture and I look forward to telling you more about it in my next blog, unfortunately I need to speak to the Mrs using Google Hangout, another cool feature Tim showed us.  'Til next time folks.

Friday 16 October 2015

What did I learn yesterday...

So, yesterday in the IT lesson I learned about Google hangout which I have never heard before.  I thought it was a really good service available for say how Tim uses it.  I imagine that being asked the same question A LOT could get tiresome so something like this saves time, repetition and someone sanity!  At this point in time I can't see how a situation that I would use it in, I also don't feel comfortable at the thought of video recording myself.

We were also told about Bob National which I think is a fantastic thing.  No doubt people will use it not solely for "education purposes" but I can see how this could be be really helpful.  Especially if people learn and respond well to that kind of medium.  I have just been told recently about a programme called Marvellous...Bob seems to be the only place that still has it.

We then went on to look at Google Drive (GD) which I have used a very small amount in the past but to very basic means.  Yesterday demonstrated one of the benefits of GD and I appreciate the technology that it uses.  Plus, sometimes it is better to interact and share info this way rather than face to face with someone.  However, upon leaving the lesson my partner for a some work in another class messaged me to say "We should use GD" .  I had already constructed a handout in Word and when I tried to export this into GD the formatting didn't cross over - I find this SO frustrating with GD and when I use it in the past this was a real bug bear because certain forms we were using for work purposes had to be in a certain format.  I felt it then increased work and duplication of work as you had to upload and download and change and reformat and edit so often to try and get something that resembles what you need!!!  In this instance the format wasn't essentially so it could be easily edited.  However, the document had images in it which I got from Google Images...these weren't available in GD.  There is a search facility when inserting an image on GD but this wasn't pulling up the same images as Google Image - it seemed bonkers to me.

I must admit I can be quite ignorant to technological advancements as I am not brilliant with using computers and gizets.  I appreciate how clever the devices are and things that can now be done but if I think I probably don't NEED it in my life I won't tend to look into it.  I am very much "the easiest way is they way you know how" so IT should be good to force some of these things upon me.